Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Health and Safety Corporate Responsibility Enforcement

Many of us have Corporate Responsibility Statements as part of our corporate philosophy, mantras, in our vision, missions and value statements, but do we live up to our corporate responsibilities when it comes to health and safety?

The provincial governments across Canada have or are in the process of redesigning and evaluating their health and safety legislations, compliance mandates and enforcement of legislative requirements. Many provinces such as Ontario and Nova Scotia have recruited new health and safety inspectors with the hope of education and enforcement of compliance, reducing the number of injuries and deaths across their respective provinces. Ontario and Nova Scotia after extensive studies have not only hired many new inspectors but are enforcing new and existing, revised and updated legislative requirements across the provinces; one being the Internal Responsibility System.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What to do - The Ministry of Labour is at the door.

Originally printed in the Guelph Business Venture Magazine September 2010
A visit from a Ministry of Labours Health and Safety Inspector can happen at any time and not only because of a workplace accident or complaint against the organization. Inspectors today are making proactive visits to educate employers and ensure safe workplaces for all workers in Ontario.

Inspectors are authorized to conduct workplace inspections and investigations to determine whether employers are in compliance with the provincial Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Should an inspector come knocking on your door: